Friday, November 12, 2010

A Great Game

Today, our final full day in the Dominician Republic. It started with a trip to the capital, Santa Domingo for sightseeing and shopping.  While pushing through the market, with many local shop owners trying to sell souvineers at exorbitant prices, we managed to purchace what we wanted without being (completely) ripped off.  After this, we visited an ancient Catholic Church, an old Spainish fortress, and a resting ground for their fallen heroes (something like our Tomb of the Unknown Soldier).  At about noon, we returned to the SCORE complex for a much needed lunch.  It was good.  After a short break, we returned to our primary ministry of playing baseball.  We arrived at the field, astonished at what we saw.  Although it did have a mound (unlike one of the other fields we played at), it did not have an outfield fence, a backstop, stationary bases, or umpires (yes, we are still talking about the same sport).  As the opposing coach (the same coach that coached against us Tuesday, but with a  different team) told us that we would be slaghtered, we stepped on the field expecting a good game. 

  After a crazy beginning, with the opposition scoring 8 runs in the first inning, we battled back, making it a very close game.  Unfortunately, it ended in defeat for us 12-11, but afterwords we presented the Gospel, and gave away some of our old gear to the Dominicans.  Overall, we all had a great game and a great time in a great sport, spreading the good news of Christ through baseball.

"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved."  Acts 16:31

David and Branson

What we saw when we got to the field!

Yes, if you look close enough you will see a chicken on the field!

Playing with the kids on the sidelines.  They LOVED to play with our hair!

1 comment:

  1. haha, may be they think why you guys have so soft hair! Well, at least that was how i think when i first touch a caucasian girl's hair when i was 11 yrs old. ^0^
