Friday, November 12, 2010

Our day on Thursday

On Nov. 11th I was woken up by a guy on the team, Spencer Bates.  After I awoke, I immediately had to get ready to go to work at a church in the village.  This church had a lot of work to be done with it but of course we didn't get it all done for time was short.  I was stuck on the lawn mower for an hour and a half while others worked the  weed-eater and picked up trash.  We were able to get a lot of work done but
there was still work to be done.  When we were done working we went back to Score for lunch.  Not long after that we were in the bus again to go play a baseball game.  Today's game we lost 3 to 2 against the Dominicans.  After the game, we had some fellowship with those on the other team.  The coach spoke a good message on how to become a part of the Body of Christ.  Also, one of our players gave his testimony.  Even though we lost, we still shared God's love with the same passion as if we had won.


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