Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Photo update - 11/09 - Orphanage Visit

Trey plays dominos with young girls from Fundacion Ninas Y Ninos de Cristo, a local orphanage. "I was getting smoked," Trey said later. "One of the girls knew English, but wouldn't use it when she talked to me."

A young boy plays baseball with his friends at the orphanage during a recess from classes. The orphans used wood scraps, including broomsticks and and old 1x4"s, to hit a tennis ball.

Branson watches a long fly ball with his newfound teammates during a pickup baseball game at a local orphanage playground.

Ethan and a young boy pose behind a sign the boy made in the ground out of Ethan's name.

Holt shares a personal testimony with a crowd of children during the HWSA Mission Team's visit to an orphanage Tuesday morning.

The children at the orphanage crowd around the HWSA Mission Team to say goodbye as the team prepares to depart.

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