Tuesday, November 15, 2011


 Tuesday Afternoon at the Highlands

Tuesday 11/25/2011

(Tuesday) Following lunch at the “Highlands” complex, we went back over to the fields to play another game.  These pro-quality fields in the Dominican Republic provide a perfect atmosphere for playing the Dominicans in good baseball, and sharing God’s love with them.  The second game of the day was a good game! The Dominicans picked up two runs in the first inning, and we got one. We brought in Andy Pettitte as our reliever, and the Dominicans’ offensive production came to a screeching halt, as he immediately struck out the first several batters he faced.  Also, we had Chris Burke, former Houston Astro, playing behind Andy at shortstop.  We ended up winning the game, and Andy and his son, through an interpreter, shared their testimony with the other team.  The Dominican athletes seemed to be soaking up everything he said like a sponge, their eyes glued on him.  But, in conclusion, today was an amazing day in which we were given the fabulous opportunity to once again play baseball and share the good news with Dominican men. On a side note, my favorite part of this trip was seeing a pregnant goat give birth to a baby goat with three legs. Wow!


Andy Pettitte's first appearance on the mound since retirement was for HWSA's mission team!  K'd the first 3 batters.  Picked off a runner on 1st.  The Dominicans did get 2 hits off him.  Andy pitched more than baseballs...he also pitched the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Chris Burke (above) played short for us for a few innings.  He made a nice bare handed tight 6-3 out and had a one bouncer off the fence extra base 2 RBI hit to assist HWSA get the win.  Coach Renz having fun at third coaching MLB players.  Jason (below) looks like he has the same swing as Chris!  Can you believe Jason only played a few games this year.  He started 3 for 3 with 2 extra base hits!

Andy in the dugout with the rest of the HWSA team.
Jordan and Andy going over the signs.
Nathan throwing to 2nd after a Dominican gets a hit off of Andy.
We stop the game and retrieve the ball for the Dominican player who got the hit.
Andy having fun on the mound.
Luke making the unassisted play.
Trey saving a stolen base with a good block.
Both teams after the game.
Andy on the mound pitching the Gospel.
The coaches from both teams.
Patrick with Head Coach from FCA's Boca Chica team.

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