Sunday, November 9, 2014


Hola, from the Gringos!  It's Joel here and it's actually night here in the DR.  Things are absolutely incredible!  The team has already played all 4 games and moved from the SCORE Complex to the hotel.  The team bonding has gone very very well and God is doing incredible things so far. So far my favorite part of this trip has been in-between and after our games.  In-between each game we would feed the team we played against, the way they responded in complete gratitude and the realization of how blessed we were to have what we have was both incredibly beautiful, and humble. Then after the games we gave the teams new gear and Bibles, which opened up the door for us to communicate and just share their happiness as they experienced some things they probably had never dreamed of. I thank God for this experience, and only 2 days in, I can already tell you, I will never forget this trip. God is doing amazing things in the Dominican Republic.


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