My experience in the Dominican Republic has been amazing! I encourage everybody to take this trip. My best experience so far was the clinic and seeing everyone come together! Another great experience was playing the Dominican teams. They play with such joy and passion for the game! Sharing the Word of God and playing baseball are my two favorite things on this planet. I've enjoyed this trip so far and I'm really looking forward to making more memories!
- Caleb
This is my first trip down to the Dominican Republic, and it’s been a life changing experience to say the least. As Americans we have tons of stuff. Even if we are considered poor back in the the U.S., it is nothing compared to the poverty these families live in. The small gesture of giving of giving this kids something we consider to be worthless, can change there lives in a drastic way. I’ve given away a few things to a couple of different kids, and there reactions are priceless. It really shows me how we take everything for granted back home. Also, the simple act of showing love to these kids, makes them some of the happiest people on earth. Because most of these children grow up in a broken home without the love they deserve, just a simple hug or piggyback ride can utterly change their life. I can't wait to go back to the States and spread the same love and joy to everyone I meet.
My greatest experience on the trip, was by far our excursion to Pasitos de Jesus. The complex there was really nice compared to the rest of the places we had visited earlier in the week. The girls there were the sweetest little girls you’ll ever have the privilege of meeting. It was really fun to see the hair-styling skills the girls had, put to use on Wyatt and Joseph. Sadly, my hair was too short. Awwww. It was loads of fun sitting on the trampoline with some of the younger girls as they jumped around showing me how high they could jump. We even got to play volleyball with some of the older girls! One of them, who’s 16th birthday it was, was really good! Better then most the people I know back home. After play time, we surrounded around the director and she told us the story of how the orphanage was started. It was truly awe-inspiring! After that, we asked if they could sing us a song, because they were so great the night before! During the song, all the little girls came out into the crowd surrounding them, and hugged everyone individually. The amount of love they showed to us(complete strangers) showed me that no matter what the situation and who you are, you need to do everything in love.
It’s great to see how happy all of the families are in the Dominican, even with so little compared to many of us Americans. We have fed villages and played with kids. The baseball games are really fun and challenging. A few kids we’ve faced this year have already signed to MLB teams. The clinics have gone really well. Although, a baseball was thrown at my nose today. It’s broken now…I’m sure it was thrown with good intentions. :p It’s been an amazing trip. God is good!
- Kameron
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