Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6, 2010 is finally here!

Great News...All 23 travelers arrived safely and on time! Kevin will travel tomorrow so pray that all goes the same for him.  Since we have been here, it has not rained and is nice and humid!  Makes those of us from Houston feel right at home!  God is in control.

What a fantastic group of young men and women we have!  Already we sense God moving in our hearts as we prepare for what lies ahead this week.  Tomorrow morning we will attend church and then head out to practice together as a team for the very first time! Now it's time to call it a night after a wonderful time of rules, prayer, worship and sharing.  Thanks for your continued prayers.


  1. Keith, God bless you! Grateful to know you all had a wonderful trip. Praying God's very best for you all and those you all meet. God is so good!

    Praying for the guys..."But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee." Acts 26:16 Praying.....Dianna Whitt

  2. I hope the kids (and elders) can stay quiet long enough to feel and here Him and the instructions He will give

  3. Mike and I are so excited for everyone as you go out into the community sharing Christ! We will continue to pray without ceasing. Thanks for the pictures and the updates... keep them coming.... Maryalice
