Monday, November 8, 2010

Photo update - 11/08 - Visit to Local Village

Here is a just a small glimpse at some of the ministry the 2010 HWSA Missions Team participated in today. Please scroll down to see other posts added tonight by HWSA players. Enjoy the photos, and please continue to pray that God would make us faithful in serving Him, and use us to reach the hearts of the Dominicans.
- David Prentice for the 2010 HWSA Missions Team

The HWSA Mission Team is greeted by swarms of boys and girls from a local village. The team was bussed to the local village to play games and share the Gospel with the children.
Coach Renz and Coach Coneby recruiting future players!

A boy and girl walk through Villa Inocencia, a local village in the Dominican Republic.

Chris and a local boy pose for a snapshot at during the HWSA Mission Team’s visit to a local village.

Jason plays with a young boy from Villa Inocencia.
Scott and Jason create a makeshift hurdle for a Dominican boy.

Members of the HWSA Missions team gathered all the children together for a short but powerful presentation of the Gospel.

Scott shares his salvation testimony in English as Kiko Alvarez interprets.

Branson shares a personal testimony to boys and girls from the village.

Kiko Alvarez shares the Gospel message with children from Villa Inocencia, a local village in the Dominican Republic. Kiko is on staff with Score International Ministries.

Keith gives a piggy-back ride to a local village boy.

Spencer carries around a village boy during HWSA mission team’s visit to a local village.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They say a picture speaks a thousand words ... and then some. We are so thankful for this blog! These amazing photos made quite an impact on our family ... Spencer's siblings were very observant of the lack in this village. We are being impacted even here, stateside. Our prayers continue ... blessings to this team!
