Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday - Baseball Game + Surprise Relief Pitcher!

Update from Good ol' Luke

We woke up this morning and attended to the daily morning bible study with the SCORE team. As soon as the last testimony was given, we all got on the bus and went to the “Highlands” baseball complex. While we were getting dressed we watched the New York Giants prospects work out on one of the fields; those kids can straight up play! When they were finished working out we took the field and started the game. The Dominican team we faced was very talented, but we played well and won the game 10-6. After the game, both teams went to a shelter in the complex to eat lunch. The Dominican team sat down and we served them lunch. Some of our players served meat and cheese on to plates while the others took the food to the seated amigos. By simply doing this with a smile on our faces we showed the love of Christ to them. It was a great testimony of Christ’s love and service to others!

Update from Kel
Following lunch at the “Highlands” complex, we went back over to the fields to play another game.  These pro-quality fields in the Dominican Republic provide a perfect atmosphere for playing the Dominicans in good baseball, and sharing God’s love with them.  The second game of the day was a good game! The Dominicans picked up two runs in the first inning, and we got one. We brought in Andy Pettitte as our reliever, and the Dominicans’ offensive production came to a screeching halt, as he immediately struck out the first several batters he faced.  Also, we had Chris Burke, former Houston Astro, playing behind Andy at shortstop.  We ended up winning the game, and Andy and his son, through an interpreter, shared their testimony with the other team.  The Dominican athletes seemed to be soaking up everything he said like a sponge, their eyes glued on him.  But, in conclusion, today was an amazing day in which we were given the fabulous opportunity to once again play baseball and share the good news with Dominican men.

Scroll down to view all the pictures...

Unloading equipment from the bus.
Rawlings complex field at the Highlands.  Same fields the San Fransico Giants Dominican team uses.
Boca Chica and HWSA teams at the Highlands.
Mike leading our teams in opening prayer.
Nice hit that contributed to HWSA's win.
Patrick scoring one of our runs on a heads up play.

Andy warming up for his first appearance on the mound since retirement.  A recent fall acquisition for the Homeschool team!
Boca Chica team sponsored by Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
The Dominicans can hit the fast ball.
Chris Burke (former Astro and Diamond Back) played short-stop.  Chris and Josh congratulate each other on a tight bare handed 6-3 out at first.
Andy and Jordan were a great combination on the mound and behind the plate.
Andy taking as much time as needed for the Dominicans.
A Dominican player recording a life time memory.  Batting against a future HOF'er.  The Dominicans 2-hit Andy.  We saved the balls for the players.
Andy congratulating his catcher.  Jordan said Andy only threw his fast-ball, curve, change and slider.  He didn't throw his cutter.  He did make one successful pick-off throw to first that Josh tagged for an important out.
Rawlings Foundation Highlands field managed by SCORE International.
Kel high-fiving after HWSA's win.  Coach Renz is still undefeated in the DR.
Shaking hands with players and coaches.
Andy sharing his testimony with both teams.  Chris Burke mentioned this was his first baseball game with a half-time.  Because of Andy's schedule he could only stay until the 4th inning.  We resumed play after a 30 minute break.
Andy taking time for pics with his new team!  (Not pictured Chris Burke, Josh P. and Bristol.)  The 2011 Homeschool team was comprised of 12 players from 7 different states.
Josh, Luke and Jordan preparing food for our guests.
Spencer joined in and dished out large quantities of great food.

The team preparing to serve the beisbol players. 
Our opposing pitcher receiving his food from Nathan.

Jason serving in the DR.
 Chris delivering the delicious food provided to us by Gus Hernandez.

Garrett delivering some refreshments for thirsty ballplayers.

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