Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday afternoon at the Highlands 

Wednesday 11/16/2011

This afternoon (Wednesday) we showed up to the highlands complex with intentions to play a game of baseball with a group of local Dominicans.  Several players from our team were asked to play with the Dominican team, me being one of them.  While in the dugout, I made friends with a Haitian immigrant named Jose De Los Santos.  In about the second inning of the game it began to rain heavily, and the game was canceled.  Instead of playing baseball, we made our way over to the pool, also in the highlands complex.  While at the pool, many of us played pool volleyball with the Dominicans.  But a few others and I spent most of the time talking to our new Dominican friends in broken English/Spanish.   When we asked, we discovered that only a few of the many players were Christians.  Testimonies were shared and one of the Dominican coaches prayed for both teams.  When the Dominicans were asked, through a translator, if they would like for us to come down and play baseball with them again next year, there was a resounding “Si”.  We were able to leave in confidence, knowing that our time spent with the Dominicans was successful in representing Christ and the Christian community.


We ran short on pitching (4 games in 3 days) so we mixed the teams up a little to experience some different baseball culture. 
Jason and new friend.

Our rain out at the adjacent fields caused us to get real wet!!!  PTL, the teams changed uniforms and played another game.

Competition with different teammates.

Still going for the ball.

Garrett and Patrick

Our photographer David gets in a pic.

Intensity from Trey

Coaches doing their thing!

The competition changes and the chicken wars begin.

Luke sneaking up behind Trevor's team.

Garrett having fun with a triple stack.

Height advantage for Garrett's team.

Josh with new friend after swimming.
Patrick sharing about his friendship with Christ with his new Dominican friends.

Brothers in Christ from different lands and languages close talking to God in Spanish.

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