Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Howdy Folks!

My trip to the Dominican Republic has been an eye opening experience. This has been my first time out of the country and it has been awesome! When we first arrived we were all very surprised to see just how poor this country is. We knew coming in that many kids would not have a baseball glove, but actually seeing these kids walk up to the field empty handed broke my heart. I wish I had hundreds of gloves to give away, but that is something I cannot do. 

What I can do is love these kids. Not only am I making an impact on these kids lives, but they are making an impact on mine. One thing I noticed is the boys find joy in the small things. A simple ground ball or high five will light up their faces. Using my gift of baseball to spread God’s Word is what brings me joy. God has told us to use the gifts He has given us to spread His name all around the world…and that is exactly what we are doing this week. This being my first time out of the country, I was not sure what to expect. So far it has been a great week and a great learning experience. Today we put on another clinic for a group of kids from the ages of 5-18. The Dominican has surprised me with the talent in baseball. I knew they had a lot of skills, but I never knew they were so talented until I saw it with my own eyes. After wrapping up our clinic we headed to lunch and had a little break. Soon after our break we headed over to a girls orphanage. It was awesome to see the way they live and what the conditions are like. Our days are only getting better and better. I look forward to our next clinic as well as spreading God’s word through our love of the game. For anyone who has considered coming on this trip, I would highly recommend coming! 


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