Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 1 Update - Spencer

Day 1

Today was legit!  We had church today it was a little different then in the states, where we can understand what they’re saying/singing, but the English part was really good! Also we had our first practice today which was good, the field was really nice! I think we’re all ready to play this week, I am so pumped! Tomorrow we’re going to hang out with the kids in a village, which should be fun! We got our first game tomorrow…. We’ll see how this goes either way it will be a good experience! I can’t wait to see how God can move through baseball and through us.  Keep us in your prayers please!


HWSA Players warm up before their first practice Sunday afternoon at the Rawlings Foundation Highlands Sports Complex.

HWSA players enjoyed a beautiful sunset on the way home from practice. Photo by Holt.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates! We can't wait to hear about today. Missing Spencer ... ;)
