Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 2 Update - Holt


Today I awoke and prepared myself to visit a small, local village. When we left, I did not know what to expect. But when we arrived at the village, I was overwhelmed by what occurred. We were greeted by bright smiles and laughing faces. I thought I was going to change their lives. However, they changed mine. Though they lived in a terrible conditions, and dilapidated homes, they had a joy which I have never seen before. Their smiles and laughs humbled me, and made me realize my blessings. Just seeing a baseball made their eyes light up.
Holt delivers a pitch during Monday's game against a local Dominican team.
One boy in particular who “picked” me, (his name was Collo), showed me a love which I can’t describe. He hardly knew me, yet he acted as if I was his older brother. I spoke to him in my own broken Spanish, and found that he was 9 years old, and had five siblings. We ran through the fields, and played leap frog, and Collo was smiling the whole time. By the end of the, I did not look down at Collo and see a small child. Instead, I looked down and saw my little brother.
Holt and Collo are all smiles during Monday morning's visit to Villa Inocencia.
The time came for us to leave, and I found myself longing to stay. When I said goodbye to Collo, it took all I had to let go of him. I was there to try to change his life, but he changed mine. And I will never forget the little boy who dragged me off the bus. The little boy who’s name was Collo.

- Holt

1 comment:

  1. Mike and I are thrilled that you all were able to visit a village today. It sounds like those kids were a great blessing to our boys! I know that all the kids enjoyed the time you spent with them too. We love the updates and we love our son .... Holt Davis ! We continue to pray for you all.
